How Not to Learn a Language

This flittered across my Facebook newsfeed recently and gave me a good laugh.  I may be guilty of attempting point five…

Checkout “How to Make Your Life Miserable Learning Languages” from  The site is a little glitchy, you might need to refresh your browser a couple of times.

Lost in Translation?

Duolingo often comes up with some pretty interesting phrases to translate, so I thought I’d start sharing some of those that catch my attention.


Well, that is certainly direct!

Well, that is certainly direct!

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No such thing as a synonym?

“There are no such things as synonyms!!”  I still remember how these words from Tom Robbins, in Jitterbug Perfume, grabbed my attention.  I wondered if it was true.  Learning new languages has taught me that it is.  Every language has it’s unique ‘untranslatable’ words.  The most famous Danish example is ‘hygge’.  I have been provided with many translations for this beloved word.  The simplest is ‘cosy’, but that doesn’t do it justice.  My favourite translation is more of a short story.




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Deutsche Sprache, Schwere Sprache.

German is hard.  That is the title of this post, according to the ‘idioms’ bonus lesson I eagerly unlocked on Duolingo, only to not understand any of it.  As an ignorant English only speaker, I’ve found that the thing I really struggle with learning a new language is that I don’t actually know English grammar.  German, I learned early on, has three genders.  What is a ‘gender’?  In English I only know male and female… Do we have these word genders?  I’ve no idea.   Continue reading

Why learn German?

I guess the first thing I should address is why I’ve picked German to learn, especially given that I’m living in Denmark!  Before even leaving for Copenhagen, I registered for language courses and decided I would make a real effort to learn the language.  I’m really glad I did, it was a lot of fun and I met some great people.  Learning a language as an adult was a completely different experience to learning in high school.   I can’t believe how well I did.  I think the main difference was that I was really enjoying learning.  Having fabulous teachers absolutely helped, but I still think my pure enjoyment of using a part of my brain that had been dormant for years was the real key to my success.


The few us of who stayed til the end of Danish class, and our great teacher yielding her pointing stick.

The few us of who stayed til the end of Danish class, and our great teacher yielding her pointing stick.

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Blogging my attempt to learn the German language!

Welcome to my blog, and to my mission to learn German!

German study book.  Purchased in Germany, of course!

German study book. Purchased in Germany, of course!


I have decided to make learning German a big part of my life, and so will need some encouragement along the way to keep me focused.  After reading a few blogs about learning languages, my favourite is definitely  This is Benny the Irish Polyglot’s blog, and I highly rate it for advice and tips on how to go about the daunting challenge of learning a new language, and links to a whole world of other great advice.

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