Lost in Translation?

Duolingo often comes up with some pretty interesting phrases to translate, so I thought I’d start sharing some of those that catch my attention.


Well, that is certainly direct!

Well, that is certainly direct!

“Was ist Ihr Geschlecht?” or “What is your gender?”

I can’t imagine ever asking someone their gender!  I’d ask a parent their child’s gender, but that’s about it.  Maybe that is why we always have to fill out our own forms at the doctors or when joining a gym, to save people from asking.

Is this a realistic German question?  I know Germans are more direct and to the point than Australians, that is one of the things I love about Germany.  One thing that learning a language has taught me is that sometimes the literal translation isn’t what is actually meant, so I wonder if that is the case here…

2 thoughts on “Lost in Translation?

  1. I can say with absolute certainty that I have never used that phrase in my life. Not saying it might not come in useful at some point in the future, but probably not the most immediately relevant for you to learn at this point! 😀

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